2.11 Chronicles of Time - Chronicles of Time.2.10 Chronicles of Time - A Premonition.2.7 Blake Robinson - Chrono Trigger Symphony.2.6 Blaine McGurty - Retro Remix Revue: Volume 2.2.5 Armcannon - Armcannon 3: Leg Vacuum 2.2.2 Alex Roe - Chrono Crisis Original Soundtrack.2.1 8 Bit Instrumental - The Number of the Bit.1.3.6 WDR Radio Orchestra Cologne - Symphonic Fantasies: Encore (Final Boss Suite).1.3.5 WDR Radio Orchestra Cologne - Symphonic Fantasies.1.3.3 Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra - Symphonic Fantasies Tokyo.

1.3.2 Yuji Sekiguchi - Guitar solo SQUARE ENIX Official Best Collection CD BOOK.1.2.9 Video Games Live - VIDEO GAMES LIVE: LEVEL 4 ARCADE BLOCK EDITION.1.2.4 PLAY! A Video Game Symphony Live!.1.2.3 Melody of Legend - Chapter of Love.1.2.2 Melody of Legend - Chapter of Dream.1.2.1 Colours of Light -Yasunori Mitsuda Vocal Collection.1.1.31 Xmas Collections II music from SQUARE ENIX.1.1.30 Xmas Collections - Music from Square Enix.1.1.29 WDR Radio Orchestra Cologne - Symphonic Odysseys Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu.1.1.27 Square Enix Sound Effect Collection Square Enix Sound Effect Collection SQUARE ENIX MUSiC SAMPLER CD Vol. SQUARE ENIX MUSiC SAMPLER CD Vol. Square Enix Music Compilation Vol.1.

Some of these releases are free to download! Find "download" on this page to find links. The two largest listings of doujins are ODDB and Ahoge. A huge thank you goes out to to the Gamingforce Forums, niki and the other administrators of saladedemais, who have tirelessly collected and researched Japanese fan music arrangements and remixes. Just have fun with these! Since the Albums and Doujins were taking up a ton of useless space on the music pages (since hardly anyone actually buys them or checks them out seriously), the listings have been moved here. Additionally, a basic 1-2-3 quality system (arbitrary, based on US remixing standards) is featured to assist you in buying.ĭon't forget to check the doujin creator's websites, as they'll often host free songs or samples that can help you determine whether you'd like to purchase. Where we could find an order page, the Chrono Compendium has listed where one can acquire doujins for each entry. Another problem is that since there are no central remixing hubs, doujin selling and personal remix hosting is often done on tons of tiny websites, which often go down or disappear with time. That they cost money does not mean that all doujins feature great work. Instead of big centralized sites like OCRemix and VGMix, the Japanese community is focused mainly on solo albums and occasional large group collaborations. While American and other remixers mostly release individual tracks, Japanese artists sell remix CDs called doujins.